Reproduction Rights Society of Nigeria
REPRONIG represents copyright owners in the literary field, managing reproduction rights, granting of licences, Monitoring and enforcement of copyright breaches.

History of REPRONIG
Reproduction Rights Society of Nigeria (REPRONIG) was incorporated as a Collective Management Organisation (CMO) in Nigeria in December 2000. This brought into conclusion, a process that started in 1996.
The plan to establish REPRONIG actually began in 1994 during the Annual Copyright Forum organised by the Nigerian Copyright Council (now Nigerian Copyright Commission) – NCC at Premier Hotel, Ibadan, Nigeria. One of the major highlights of the Forum was the need to set up a body that would be the arrow-head for the creation of an organisation that will assert, defend and secure the rights of authors, publisher and other stakeholders in the literary and artistic field.
Consequently, two individuals, Mr. John-Willy Rudolph, a Norwegian Copyright Administrator and Dr. Olalere Oladitan, an academic author, spearheaded the initiative.
Since year 2000
The primary mandate of REPRONIG is the collective management of rights in literary works, including images embedded in such works.
Thus, the Academic and Non-Fiction Authors Association of Nigerian (ANFAAN) was formed. The body enjoyed tremendous support from the Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers and Traslatorss’ Association (NFF) and the Reproduction Rights Organisation of Norway (Kopinor).
Subsequently, ANFAAN, on its own, took on the challenge of setting up a Reproduction Rights Organisation (RRO) in the print medium in Nigeria. REPRONIG, which is the result of that initiative, took off formally on 3rd November, 2003 at Book House (The Secretariat of the Nigerian Publishers Association – NPA) at Quarter 673, Jericho GRA, Ibadan, Nigeria’s Book and cultural capital.
See Our Mandate
Legal Framework
REPRONIG has its legal backing from the Copyright Act, Cap 68 LFN (Laws of the Federation of Nigeria), 1990 which was an amended version of the Copyright Decree No. 47 of 1988.
The Copyright Act, 1990 has undergone a series of amendments including that of 1992 that inserted Section 32B dealing with Collecting Societies. In 1993, the first set of Regulations, The Copyright (Collecting Societies) Regulations 1993, were made on the basis of the amendment to the Act.
The establishment and operation of REPRONIG are based on this law.
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