Frequently Asked
1. To represent authors and right holders in the literary field in order to better manage their copyright and receive recompense for the secondary exploitation of those works 2. To negotiate licences on behalf of its members, collect royalties due to them and distribute in a transparent, fair and expeditious manner.
Membership of REPRONIG is open to individual authors, right holders or associations of right holders of literary works. Any author, publisher or assignee of a literary work (novels, stories, poetic works, plays, scripts, textbooks, essays, anthologies, law reports, computer programs, etc.), whether in electronic or print format is eligible to become a member of REPRONIG. Members mandate REPRONIG to act on their behalves.
It is practically impossible for authors to monitor all the places where their works are used and negotiate payment terms with each user. REPRONIG steps in represent right holders.
As an RRO, REPRONIG licenses secondary uses of print or digital materials such as photocopying, scanning of literary contents, document delivery services or any other activity that would otherwise amount to an infringement of the exclusive rights in those works.
By obtaining a single blanket licence from REPRONIG an institution is assured of cost effective, low risk access to the reproduction of all the works described under the licence. Since there is the possibility of vicarious liability for copyright infringement that may occur through lecturers, students or other persons within its control, a licence provides a safety net for the institution. E-library facilities are based on licensing and failure to obtain such licences would open the institution to risks.
The most convenient way an institution can obtain a blanket licence and obviate the need to negotiate separate licences with individual right holders in the literary field is through REPRONIG. The alternative to a REPRONIG licence is for the institution to approach each author or copyright holder (local and foreign) to negotiate separate licences with them. This would be cumbersome, expensive and practically impossible.
Subject to the exceptions provided for in the Copyright Act, any person or institution that is involved in or whose staff or students are likely to be engaged in photocopying, scanning or digital reproduction of published materials. This includes educational institutions, corporations, research institutes, government agencies, etc.
Yes. As an example of possible collections, In 2014, the Jamaica Copyright Licensing Agency (JAMCOPY) which is the equivalent of REPRONIG in Jamaica (a country with a population of about 2.9 million) disbursed $28.5 million as royalties on behalf of 437 creators and 36 publishers. There is no reason why REPRONIG cannot make a difference in the lives of authors and publishers in Nigeria with a student population of over 16 million spread across over 400 tertiary institutions.
REPRONIG is a non-profit organisation registered as a company limited by guarantee. It is member-based and receives royalty payments on behalf of authors and right holders. Any money received by way of royalties is distributed to the owners of the rights (authors and publishers). The entire process is transparent and supervised by the Nigerian Copyright Commission.
REPRONIG is a member of the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO) comprising over 90 member RROs representing authors and publishers from all major countries of the world. On a reciprocal basis the rights of REPRONIG members would also be protected in those countries where it has representation agreements.

For further Information, contact:
The Executive Director
Reproduction Rights Society of Nigeria (REPRONIG):
Plot 1, Block VII, Jericho Hill GRA
Aleshinloye/FRIN Road
Ibadan, Oyo State
Tel: +234-802 850 8121
E-mail: k.motunrayo68@gmail.com
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